Cover summary

If Optical, Dental and Hearing (ODH) cover has been added to your plan, you'll be able to claim back for the following treatments:

  • Dentists appointments and treatments

  • Eye tests, glasses or contact lenses

  • Hearing tests and hearing aids

These treatments or purchases must have taken place in the last six months and will need to have occurred after your ODH cover start date (unless otherwise advised).

You’ll need to pay for the treatment, get an itemised receipt showing proof of payment, and then submit your claim through the Care Hub. If you cannot see the Optical, Dental and Hearing option, it means your plan does not have this added cover.

If we accept your claim, we'll make a payment into the principal member's bank account, so please make sure we have these details, and that they are up to date here.

For more information around each individual cover option click on the relevant button below.