Allen Carr's Easyway

Allen Carr's Easyway are smoking cessation experts that have supported over 50 million people worldwide through their programme*.

Allen Carr’s approach focuses on why smokers continue to smoke despite the obvious disadvantages. The programme aims to change how you feel about smoking so that quitting becomes easy, enjoyable and you don’t miss cigarettes.

Allen Carr is recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

You can attend one face-to-face seminar or book one live online group seminar. This is only available once per adult, regardless of the number of plans held with Vitality.

The programme is around 5 to 6 hours long and includes support via email or phone.

*Source: Success Rate - Allen Carr's Easyway


Each adult on your plan can attend one Allen Carr programme.

This benefit can only be used once for each adult, whether under this plan or any other plan with Vitality.

You need to give at least seven days’ notice if you wish to cancel your booking. If you book and fail to attend on more than one occasion, you won’t be able to attend another programme through Vitality.

Terms and conditions apply at

Earning points

Once you’ve been tobacco and nicotine-free for twelve months, you can earn 100 Vitality points by confirming that you’re a non-smoker when updating your Health Profile.

You could also have a Vitality Healthcheck and earn a further 200 Vitality points for confirming your status as a non-smoker.

This means that you can earn a combined total of 300 Vitality points per plan year for confirming that you’re a non-smoker.